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Thinking With Portals by GandWatch548 viewsIt seems everyone is thinking with portals... well, except for me since I couldn't get the game to run on my PC... blarrrgh...

Trip to Solaris by GandWatch547 viewsI knew there was something strange about that sun...

A Few Custom Robot Masters547 viewsHere are a few of my own Robot Masters. Meet Origami Man, Met Man, Fruit Man, and Vegas Man.

Why We Aren't Global Mods547 viewsSo sometimes the subject is raised of if Kit, Shagg, and myself were global mods over at the forums... Somehow I don't think it would work out very well ^_^;

Hoodless Ice Man by GandWatch546 viewsThere's a strange bit of art floating around out there showing that, without his hood, Ice Man's head has a crystaline look to it. Neo decided to give him more reasonable hair. It resulted in quite a cute look I think, and evidently Cirno agrees!

Cirno Outtakes by GandWatch544 viewsUh oh, looks like the frogs have gotten some sweet freezy revenge!

Creating Everything Once Again by GandWatch542 viewsHmm, perhaps Gemini Man's experiment gave Suika some ideas... but this is an unexpected result.

Trainer Cards by GandWatch542 viewsMega Man and Reimu have given Pokemon a try in the past... So just what all do they have on hand beyond their Ditto?

What Science has Done by Ace-heart542 viewsScience seems to have made a Met with several worrisome additions!

Tsutarja Ace by Ace-heart542 viewsIt looks like the fifth gen grass starter might just have an affinity for the resident flower artist!

Galaxy EXE by GandWatch541 viewsGandWatch opted for a female counterpart to Galaxy Man. I must say, she looks rather adorable with her little UFO skirt there.

Cloud Man is Impolite by GandWatch541 views.....I swear, that's still what that sprite really looks like to me..... ^_^;
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