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Healthy and Not by ioddandodd170 viewsThe HP variances between Pokemon in the Dungeon games can be a bit tricky to keep track of sometimes.

Travel Deals by ioddandodd170 views...$35 from New York to Rio? Really? There's got to be something they're not telling us about the service on this flight...

Carrot Heartless by GeorgeTheRaccoon170 viewsFear the carrot Heartless! Though... I am kind of carnivorous for the most part...

Gulpin by Dragoonknight717170 viewsGulpin and Swalot kind of weirded me out for awhile after I saw them animated. The whole GIANT MOUTH thing was... kinda weird. But now I rather like these two, and in fact just recently trained a Swalot.

Gastly by Dragoonknight717170 viewsSimple as they may be, I've always liked Gastly. The ethereal whispiness just looks cool.

Well Done by GeorgeTheRaccoon170 viewsSakuya certainly seems deeply satisfied here.

Quick Kirby by SilentDragonite149170 viewsNo, Kirby! Don't give in to the dark side!

Remilia Red Full Moon Battle by Raul Molar170 viewsRemilia... you are quite annoying sometimes o.o; So many times she has stopped me from unlocking Flandre's stage.

Chill Man by Henry170 viewsIt was nice seeing a new ice Robot Master in MM10, though as many things as I guessed for his name, Chill Man wasn't among them.

Centaur Man by Henry170 viewsWell, he is supposed to represent Greece after all!

Burner Man by Henry170 viewsThat is a lot of fire.

Met Hugs by TEHMEGAMASTAH170 viewsEven if they are metal, Mets always looked huggable.
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