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HardMan EXE by Jon Causith169 viewsHere we have a take on what Hard Man's NetNavi counterpart might be like. Here, the artist was going for the feel of a Japanese delinquent boss.

Sheeeeeeeps by Wason Liu169 viewsSheeps are not to be trusted. Sure they're cute and all, but.... sheeps.

Comet Woman Outtakes by MarsJenkar169 viewsMuch in the vein of Ice Man finding himself in the world of Ice Climbers, it seems Comet Woman has stumbled across the Vic Viper from Gradius.

Sergeant Mega Man by LTFC1992168 viewsIt looks like this iteration of Mega Man takes place during WWI. I must admit, modern military was never my thing.

Mix Met by Parrotmaster168 views......Oh dear... I think the Met making machine is malfunctioning...

Orbit Man by TheKoopakirby168 viewsI'm generally surprised that, not counting the Stardroids, there are relatively few space-themed Robot Masters. This seems like it would work rather nicely.

Vegeta Met by SirColonel168 viewsI'm swiftly approaching 3000 subs. It might not be much longer now! It's quite surprising to me that I've come so far o.o;

Drama Llama by GeorgeTheRaccoon168 viewsYukkuris on llama-back? And here I thought winged bears were the signal of the endtimes...

War Was Goodish by ioddandodd168 viewsHmm.... Something sounds fishy here...

Roahm Man by WingmanVWXYZ168 viewsHere we have a custom sprite of my dragonny self. The stylish depiction of my spine plates as looking more like hair is an interesting touch ^_^

I Love Cookies by ioddandodd168 viewsCookies or no, don't go messing with my family!

My Digimon Form by ioddandodd168 viewsI've never really known much about Digimon. I've always solidly been a Pokemon fan.
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