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The Dream Team by MartenFerret160 viewsTeamed up with Mega Man and Rush, we'll give Wily's army plenty of trouble! But I hope Captain N doesn't mind me borrowing his zapper...

BusterRodG EXE by Raditz86160 viewsThis was a rather surprising submission! I didn't expect anyone to make Navis of the Genesis Unit ^_^

The Handy Met by dalo2953160 viewsThere was the question of whether this guy was simply an extra hand to have around the lab, or if he was a demolitions expert like the Handy viruses from MMBN. The question was answered soon enough.

McAffe by KalmerX160 viewsSo what would happen if McAffe was a Navi? Welllll.... the game would freeze a lot more often for one thing...... you'd get interrupted every time you tried to do something....

Explanation Comic by theAlberto813160 views...So just what happened to the Robot Masters created by Dr. Cossack after the events of MM4? This sheds a little light on things.

Master Alberto by TheAlberto813160 viewsEvidently TheAlberto got bored one day and made several sprite recolors to use as icons on YouTube.

Pluto by SammerYoshi160 viewsI don't think Pluto's happy about the whole "demotion" thing...

I Misspelled My Name by ioddandodd160 viewsI'm a bit more concerned with the giant scorpion than spelling at the moment o.o;

I'M DYING HERE GUYS by ioddandodd160 viewsI'm not quite sure what's going on here... but that is a LOT of internet pages to have open at once ^_^;

The True Power of DEM by ioddandodd160 viewsThis Nena person really hates people using her kitchen it seems... But at least now we know where the cake came from...

The Negas by thesonicgalaxy160 viewsHmm, shadowy versions of Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass? I guess since he couldn't go to Plug Man's stage, Bass is the only one not to have run into his shadow...

DEM is the One who Spites Ye by ioddandodd160 viewsHmm, so that's where all the annoyances are coming from...
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