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Random Fight o' Century by ioddandodd160 views...I'm rooting for Deka. Sure, I like Touhou, but Lily White is rather annoying in general... Especially in Mega Mari, and that's where that sprite came from.

DEMs Indestructible Epic Tape by ioddandodd160 viewsDuring my Silent Hill 2 videos, there was an area with yellow caution tape stretched across a passage. Just to be silly, I tried cutting it with the chainsaw... and it bounced off. Chainsaw proof tape, what will they think of next?

Cat Ending Pt 11 by cardmaster9160 viewsIt seems a plan was in place, despite this horrible outcome!

Poster for Revenge by GeorgeTheRaccoon160 viewsA nifty group shot here for my Revenge videos! One day, Quick Man, one day...

StoveMan EXE by Joey Dubois160 viewsApparently this one is based on a Robot Master from the Wonderswan game, Challenger From the Future.

RazerMan EXE by PK Power160 viewsAn original Navi concept, the artist said they struggled for awhile trying to get their idea on paper. I think the end result looks interesting!

DragonMan EXE by Thomas Kane160 viewsAnd now I seem to be getting the Navi treatment! It looks like I take a bit of inspiration from the Starforce version of MegaMan, when it comes to the arm cannon department.

DragonMan Mega Chip by Thomas Kane160 viewsA nice dynamic shot of DragonMan.EXE, likely his pose for his Mega Chip image. The effect sounds like a spread / homing shot, meaning the fewer enemies there are, the more hits it will receive.

DS Roll by PokemonMarioSonic1160 viewsI may have kinda gotten rekt.

Valuable Junk by MegamanNerd63160 viewsTsk, these people and their lack of appreciation for the original Game Boy, the little game brick that could....

Troll Met by tooney97159 viewsHmm.... what I REALLY need is an army of Mets to keep the trolls off my channel... or go hunt them down... mwahahaha...

BladeMan EXE Emblem by soulreaper891159 viewsHere we have a Navi insignia for BladeMan.EXE. Perhaps indicative of crossed swords?
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