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Ran Met by SirColonel159 views.....If there's a Ran Met........ does that mean there's a Chen Met running around somewhere?....

Someone's Lost Their Kernoodle by ioddandodd159 viewsUhh..... Something strange is going on in the bloody locker of Otherworld Midwich Elementary... but I have no idea what o.o;

Orbital Man by TPPR10159 viewsThis seems like an interesting design, a satellite based Robot Master.

The Cosplayers are SO Dead by ioddandodd159 views....Those are indeed some bad cosplayers... ^_^;

BUY NOW by ioddandodd159 viewsWell, it does seem like a popular product in odd's work ^_^;

The Non Lie Cake by ioddandodd159 viewsThe cake may not be a lie, but the dragons there don't seem to want to share.

DEM is the One who Spites Ye by ioddandodd159 viewsHmm, so that's where all the annoyances are coming from...

KEA by ioddandodd159 viewsBIRDS! Always birds.

Visiting Eientei by GeorgeTheRaccoon159 viewsEientei does seem like it would be a pleasant place to visit when things are more calm... And I'm not just saying that because Eirin's there... Really...

Bandit Kid by TPPR10159 viewsSeemingly a younger Robot Master type, here we have Bandit Kid. I imagine a smaller size would make him a swift, tricky opponent.

When I Learned That I Was BORING by ioddandodd159 viewsYou'll be happy to know, I'll be skipping the letter during subsequent endings.

Met by jackrc11159 viewsMets, always welcome, always adorable!
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