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Busted by InvisibleCoinBlock532 viewsWell, I suppose now we at least know the charges Fake Man was trying to arrest me on. Where's Phoenix Wright Man when you need him?

Where is Nowhere by MegaBetaman532 viewsIn MMBN2, the Metroline lists Nowhere as a destination... Silent Hill Battle Network, anyone?

Civilian Navis by andrewsallee532 viewsQuite an extensive set this, but andrewsallee created a full set of battle sprites for the various civilian navis.

Mega Man 7 Wallpaper by GandWatch532 viewsHere we have the Mega Man 7 wallpaper. It also helpfully points out where all the hidden powerups are!

Mega Man & Bass Wallpaper by GandWatch532 viewsThis particular wallpaper has an added touch of showing how many CDs are in each stage! It also features both Mega Man and Bass, quite a colorful design on this one.

Magma EXE by GandWatch530 viewsA rather interesting take, GandWatch wanted to look for net-based inspiration for a Magma Man counterpart. He decided on the Firefox internet browser. Possibly a Navi for Kit?

Agent 001 by GandWatch530 viewsDynamo Man's theme evidently conjures images of James Bond in GandWatch's mind. So let the spy thriller commence!

The Milkmaid Conspiracy by GandWatch530 viewsHahaha, yes, my favorite level from Psychonauts, it was done absolutely perfectly XD

Sakuya Outtakes by GandWatch530 views....Run, Meiling. Run while you still can. Angry maid on the loose!

Dogged Determination530 viewsEvidently, Amaterasu has some rather brutal combos in Marvel vs Capcom 3... and poor CutManMike has been feeling them at the hands of Pink.

Mega Man 6 Wallpaper by GandWatch529 viewsNext up, we have Mega Man 6. This even helpfully shows some things like where the Energy Balancer was hidden.

Lovely E-mail by GandWatch529 viewsOh dear, it seems someone crashed Ice Man with an e-mail virus... and poor Cirno doesn't know what to make of the results ^_^;
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