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Teenage Oil Man by thesonicgalaxy158 viewsLooks like Teen Oil Man is doing his best to be stylish. But did his cool moves go that far back?

Blue Team Reinforcements by ioddandodd158 viewsIt looks like Team Blue is getting quite a few new additions. Too bad Captain Blue couldn't make it...

DEM is the One who Spites Ye by ioddandodd158 viewsHmm, so that's where all the annoyances are coming from...

Proto Man is Just Random Now by ioddandodd158 views........So it seems......

Met by jackrc11158 viewsMets, always welcome, always adorable!

Tenshi is Mad 2 by GeorgeTheRaccoon158 views....Okay, it seems Tenshi is REEEEALLY mad about it ^_^;

Cat Ending Pt 4 by cardmaster9158 viewsAnd so, a plan was made, a plan involving the game company, Konami!

Perfect Landing by GeorgeTheRaccoon158 viewsJust a liiiiitle to the left, aaaaaaaaand.... BINGO! I still find it amusing that they actually programmed in the ability to smash that Buzz Bee from a cannon landing.

Keyblade Armor by GeorgeTheRaccoon158 viewsHmm... I have to wonder if this is a Birth By Sleep reference, as it seems unlike anything I know from the Kingdom Hearts universe otherwise.

Ruby Shield by GoldNTearuka158 viewsAs we've learned, at least there's definitely one thing that will stop Pipis, a good shield! Now we just make it shiny...

Drill Man by Henry158 viewsSimple as it is, I think Drill Man had one of my favorite designs of the MM4 cast...

Dark Roahm by Thomas Kane158 viewsA shadowy dark version of myself. Apparently this was inspired by Birth by Sleep? I haven't actually played that one yet. I have a copy of it I believe, just never got around to playing it.
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