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Roahm the Dragon by PivotParalyzer157 viewsA game about dragons and shinies.... Yeah, I'll definitely be LP-ing the original Spyro trilogy one of these days...

The Nothing Reality by ioddandodd157 viewsA new Nothing has come forth... and quite a strange one indeed.

Turn Around Harry by ioddandodd157 views......Harry really needs to work on those observational skills...

No Staring by ioddandodd157 viewsIt's not nice to stare, especially during such private activities...

James' Magical Adventure Pt 2 by Drew157 viewsEver since posting Silent Hill 2 videos, I've been happy to find out I wasn't the only one severely annoyed by Laura... X)

Jewel Man by Bullfrog5953157 viewsOne of two Navis that guard a jewelery shop, Jewel Man is the more outgoing and hyper of the two. Always out to show off flashy moves, he's far less reserved than Crystal.

First Visit by GeorgeTheRaccoon157 viewsGeorge's first visit to Gensokyo looks like it may have had a somewhat rocky start...

Fakemon - Dazme by SammerYoshi157 viewsYou know, come to think of it, I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been much of a daisy Pokemon yet...

X the Squall by ioddandodd157 viewsHmm.... well then...

Wanted by IrukaAoi157 viewsEvidently, Ace-heart has a habit of proclaiming "steals art" after Iruka posts new images on her thread. GET THAT FLOWER!

Get Well Soon by GeorgeTheRaccoon157 viewsEvidently, this was a gift for Catgame and Voyd, when the two of them became ill. I certainly know how that feels.

Roahm EXE by Ross Bidelspach157 viewsGranted, I'm more the katana type, but I probably couldn't say no to a sparkly jewel scythe.
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