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Roahm by tetraks333156 viewsHere we seem to have more of a cybernetic rendition of my dragonny self, ready to get out there and bust some Robot Masters.

Freeze Man by Henry156 viewsOoh... that's a nice looking icy cave there, I'd love to see something like that in real life.

Roahm EXE by Ross Bidelspach156 viewsGranted, I'm more the katana type, but I probably couldn't say no to a sparkly jewel scythe.

Thy Dungeon Swan by Jon Causith156 viewsI have to admit, that dungeon really does look rather swan-like. It's probably the best name for it that I've heard. And... I'll never look at swans the same way again.

Torrent Man by Thomas Kane156 viewsA water-based Robot Master, Torrent Man uses the fan in his body to unleash cyclones of water. He's set up shop on Isle Delfino.

Merry Christmas by Thomas Kane156 viewsA nice group snow day! Man, I'd love to experience weather like this...

Bowl Man by Hyperguy155 viewsHmm.... Just how do you suppose Bowl Man would get along with Strike Man? I'm sorry, I'M SORRY!

Polarus EXE by KalmerX155 viewsHere we have a Navi version of KalmerX's custom Stardroid, Polarus. I love the funky star shades X)

Polarus by KalmerX155 viewsThis is an interesting concept, a custom Stardroid! It does seem odd that they were called Stardroids, yet Sunstar was the only one that was actually named for a star...

I Hate Smoke Tellys by theAlberto813155 viewsSo Alberto is playing Nezumiman, and is having some trouble with this room. He's specifically out to do a Perfect Run. Anyone have any advice for this room?

Snow and Ice by GeorgeTheRaccoon155 viewsHere we have quite a cute rendition of Cirno, as well as a meditating snowball guy. Don't mess with him.

Bulb Man by thesonicgalaxy155 viewsHmm... Last time there was a light bulb Robot Master, it was certainly cause for alarm... I'm not sure I trust this guy X)
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