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Cat Ending Pt 6 by cardmaster9152 viewsIt seems Meira had great plans for retirement, but Konami had other ideas...

First Greeting in Netplay by GeorgeTheRaccoon152 viewsEvidently, George's first experience with netplay on the Touhou fighting games didn't go all that well ^_^;;

Walfas Voyd by Voyd211152 viewsHere we have a representation of Voyd's Walfas form.

Spambot Heartless by GeorgeTheRaccoon152 viewsWith the number of spambots that have hit the forums from time to time, George envisioned them as a new type of Heartless. All keyblade masters, terminate with extreme prejudice.

Neo's Forms by GeorgeTheRaccoon152 viewsHere we have some alternate "world" forms for Neo. The Halloween Town zombie form is interesting, and I also like the cute crab he has on the right.

Cirno's Theme by GeorgeTheRaccoon152 viewsIndeed, Cirno's theme is probably the catchiest. Just ask Pink.

Lepus Update by Thomas Kane152 viewsHere we have an updated version of Lepus as a Navi. Working for the officials, Lepus and his operator Thomas are dedicated, but will hesitate when a situation gets too tense, such as when sacrafice or deletion seem to be the only answers. It can make him a burden, but has also led to better solutions on occasions.

First Meeting Pt 3 by Wason Liu152 viewsHe never did give me that e-mail address... well unless you count the fact that he e-mailed me the art to begin with.

Chou Biospark by Voyd211151 viewsDuring a conversation about having a minor game character as a companion, Voyd211 decided to have a customized Biospark from the Kirby series.

The Puzzle is Meaner than You Would Think by ioddandodd151 viewsHmm... Well that's a strange setup.... Getting that key might be tricky.

You Ok Man by ioddandodd151 viewsHmm... ioddandodd's school sounds.... interesting... Forced neckties and sacraficial altars? You don't know anyone named Alessa, do you?

Nightmares by GeorgeTheRaccoon151 viewsUh oh, this seems like quite a grouping of annoying enemies! And with a HardHead guarding them all! AGGGH!
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