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Rock's in Trouble by Jon Causith151 viewsYou know you're in trouble when your dad calls you by your serial number...

8bit Harry Mason by Sakani17150 viewsMy name is Harry Mason, I'm drawn in pixelation.

ShinyMan EXE by roxasofmalice150 viewsThis Navi seems to have a semi draconic theme, a preference for sword attacks, wings, flight abilities, and a desire for shinies... I wonder just who might be his operator...

A Few More Sketches by GeorgeTheRaccoon150 viewsHere we have a few more things, including a Raccoon Prod... That can't be good for the artist...

My Pet Boulder Bilferz by ioddandodd150 viewsTravelling with odd is.... well..... unusual... and unnerving... ^_^;

Kunoichi Woman by TPPR10150 viewsA new Robot Master design based on female ninjas. I'd imagine she would thus be quite an agile and elusive foe.

Phoenix Woman Raw Design by SammerYoshi150 viewsHere we have Phoenix Woman, a new Robot Master from SammerYoshi. A firey boss that flies? That could be troublesome ^_^;

What Are You Lookin At by ioddandodd150 views.......I really can't be sure what I'm looking at... ^_^;

Detailed Eris by thesonicgalaxy150 viewsA more detailed image of thesonicgalaxy's custom Stardroid, Eris. It seems he is indeed of an icy persuasion.

Robo Cossack by thesonicgalaxy150 viewsDr. Cossack really needs more screentime, poor guy...

Wire Man by thesonicgalaxy150 viewsWire Man may look simple, but you know how electric Robot Masters can be...

Glitch Yeh Room by ioddandodd150 viewsOh dear, as if Alessa's influence hadn't caused enough problems with my room o.o;
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