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Mega Man Victorian Times by LTFC1992148 viewsThis seems like an interesting era to utilize. A steampunk Mega Man adventure? That would be cool.

The Inside of the Cell by ioddandodd148 viewsIt's time for science class, ioddandodd style!

BEES by ioddandodd148 viewsHmm, riding around on giant bees... Can this end well?

BURDS ARE EVILLLLL by ioddandodd148 viewsThat's what I've been trying to tell you all, birds are dangerous!

Scarlet Raccoon by GeorgeTheRaccoon148 viewsHmm.... Perhaps it's not a good idea to let George wander into the basement of the Scarlet Devil Mansion...

Neo Stole Tenshi's Hat by GeorgeTheRaccoon148 viewsEveryone wants the stylish hat with the peaches! Though if I were to steal a hat from Gensokyo, I might go after Shikieiki's, that one is quite stylish indeed.

Perplexed by GeorgeTheRaccoon148 viewsI seem to be annoyed... though I'm not quite sure by what... I'm also not quite sure if that's a Nezumiman reference there or not, but it looks like it could be... No real context was given on this one ^_^;

Bass Didn't Want to Get in the Photo by ioddandodd148 viewsI guess Bass wasn't happy with his new clothes... Must not be stylish enough for him.

Random by ioddandodd148 viewsAnd thus, the missing information is explained.

Ace Heartless by GeorgeTheRaccoon148 viewsWell, Quick Man certainly seems pleased by his latest gardening project...

Fakemon - Damazing by SammerYoshi148 viewsSeemingly the evolved form of Dazme, this one has a little more flower power!

ITS MINE by ioddandodd148 viewsBut I only need one, you'll never miss it...
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