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Hina and Goofy by GeorgeTheRaccoon139 viewsWell, I suppose they do have the whole spinning thing in common, what with moves like Goofy Tornado.

A Shattered Memory - Sans Rorschach by Jon Causith139 viewsHere's the image of Harry without the inkblot effect.

First Meeting Pt 2 by Wason Liu139 viewsSo it seems we have the artist, Shadow Man, and a mysterious hooded person. But hey, they seem to be fans, so that's nice.

Stuffed Bunny Prizes by Jon Causith139 viewsSo here's a joke from year one that I forgot about XD When going through Junk Man's stage, I made a comment about wanting my "stuffed bunny prize" for shooting all the enemies in the elevator section. Jon Causith has rewarded me for that one plus the Shade Man elevator XD

Mega Man by Jon Causith139 viewsA stylish interpretation of the Blue Bomber, using some of the Sakurai design in the lines. Nice action pose!

Drawings from Sprites by Jon Causith139 viewsDoc Robot's sprite.... yeah, it does tend to be kinda hard to tell what's going on there ^_^; And I do fall into that group that saw Metal Blade as a gear rather than a sawblade back in the day. Granted, I think I blame the fact that his stage itself was full of gears.

Disco MetBall by Elliot D139 viewsElliot D wanted to help design some enemies and visuals for the stages of my Robot Masters, and decided to start with Disco Man's stage. Here we have Disco MetBall, a Met variant that disguises itself as a mirrored disco ball.

Magic Battle by Jon Causith139 viewsMagic is a pretty fun ability, but who will come out on top?

Ice Dragon by Josh Utley139 viewsIt's already starting to get uncomfortably hot here. I could use some ice power ~_~;

CrashMan EXE by sonicstick7138 viewsQuite a colorful design, this one, it looks like he's out to make very colorful explosions on the net.

You Question by ioddandodd138 viewsUhhhh.... yeah, never question ioddanodd's logic. It never ends well.

Bear Man by thesonicgalaxy138 viewsSo help me, if this guy goes after my wings...
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