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Sniper and Soldier by GeorgeTheRaccoon136 viewsMuch like Mets and Shadows, Sniper Joes and Soldiers are also fairly common in their respective series.

George Sackboy by GeorgeTheRaccoon136 viewsIt looks like George has another form, this time to fit in with the residents of Little Big Planet.

Swan Dragon by Jon Causith136 viewsFear the swan dragon! The swangon! Natural enemy of the noble dwck! Or maybe tameable mount? Who can say.

Roahm by Kayleigh136 viewsA bit of a different style for this portrait, interestingly it looks somewhat close to my Argonian character from Skyrim.

Mega Man by Jon Causith136 viewsA stylish interpretation of the Blue Bomber, using some of the Sakurai design in the lines. Nice action pose!

CrystalMan EXE by Brian Curry's Son136 viewsAnother drawing by Brian Curry's son, this time a concept for CrystalMan.EXE after they watched one of my Battle Network LPs together. Quite colorful!

Ice Dragon by Josh Utley136 viewsIt's already starting to get uncomfortably hot here. I could use some ice power ~_~;

Bob by mlgreenb135 viewsTo know something's name is to have power over it, or so they say. So we have power over Bob here. He was nice enough to wear a nametag, after all.

So Freaking Cute by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsIndeed they are, even if I've never played the games they came from!

Roahm Mythril by WingmanVWXYZ135 viewsA nice custom sprite here, even including a pendant. Quite nicely colorful ^_^

DEM Likes Trying to Eat the Camera Man by ioddandodd135 views......DEM worries me sometimes ^_^;

First Sight of Suwako by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsEvidently, upon first seeing Suwako, Bodger mistook her hat for a strange creature.
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