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Roahm Mythril by WingmanVWXYZ135 viewsA nice custom sprite here, even including a pendant. Quite nicely colorful ^_^

DEM Likes Trying to Eat the Camera Man by ioddandodd135 views......DEM worries me sometimes ^_^;

Catgame Face by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsPoor Bowserslave, there's no escape from the face! It's everywhere!

iScribble 2 by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsWell, Bowserslave seems happy, anyway.

Roahm 8 bit Sprite by thesonicgalaxy135 viewsIt seems I can quote Shagg's bro on this one... My pants are green!

Vengeance Pt 4 by Voyd211135 viewsAh, iaido style slashing, always stylish X)

James' Magical Adventure Pt 8 by Drew135 viewsJames Missile, clearly the best method of transportation ever. Toilet Adventures.... not so appealing ^_^;

Roahm Stole Mah Knife by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsLook, you clearly weren't using it, you killed my baggage with a spear, and really, that spear is so you. The knife is like... five weeks ago... I mean, what do I know about fashion?

Neo in Twilight Town by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsHmm... It certainly LOOKS like the clock tower in Twilight Town, but.... are you quite sure? Sakuya seems to think it might be the one at the Scarlet Devil Mansion...

Neo Toast by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsAll around the country coast to coast, people always say what do you like most? I don't wanna brag, I don't wanna boast, I always tell 'em I like toast! ....NEO TOAST?! Evidently, Neo's new avatar on Pink's forums inspired this X)

James' Magical Adventure Pt 21 by Drew135 viewsCorrect answers or no, it looks like they'll have some tough times ahead. Pyramid Head has killed Maria (well, we know how that goes...), and seperated Momiji from the rest of the group.

Country Clubber by GeorgeTheRaccoon135 viewsIt seems George has upgraded to Country Clubber over on the forums. And Cream the Rabbit drew this. Cream is adorable.
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