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Killed the Flying Bear by GeorgeTheRaccoon133 viewsSomething tells me it won't be quite that easy, alas... But thank you for the effort!

Bowser by IrukaAoi133 viewsAhh, Bowser, always a welcome sight. I wish there were more games where you could really play as him. Give him his own arch villain to fight, someone important to him taken away... Or even have him compete with Mario to see who can rescue Peach the fastest.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 16 by Drew133 viewsIt seems the nurses are getting tougher. This one's gotten good at hiding in the darkness. REALLY good.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 21 by Drew133 viewsCorrect answers or no, it looks like they'll have some tough times ahead. Pyramid Head has killed Maria (well, we know how that goes...), and seperated Momiji from the rest of the group.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 19133 viewsAnd so now, the comic becomes interactive! Or rather, it did for me. My answers were : 1) Cat. 2) Zero. 3) Warriors. Was I right? We'll have to see in the future.

Country Clubber by GeorgeTheRaccoon133 viewsIt seems George has upgraded to Country Clubber over on the forums. And Cream the Rabbit drew this. Cream is adorable.

Neo Needs Time to Rest by GeorgeTheRaccoon133 viewsI can understand Neo's frustrations. Every once in awhile, you just have to take some time off.

Bat Got Noise Crush by GeorgeTheRaccoon133 viewsI have heard about this scene from Donkey Kong Country Returns from Kit, and it does indeed sound rather chaotic.

Art Land by GeorgeTheRaccoon133 viewsHere we have a new KH world, seemingly based around Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Chibi George and Tenshi by GeorgeTheRaccoon133 viewsHere we have George and Tenshi in chibi form. There's something amusing about contemplating a chibified earthquake goddess...

Me and Komachi by GeorgeTheRaccoon133 viewsHmm... Did George just win against her, or is it time for one of Komachi's frequent work breaks?

Mana Banana by thebearmancometh133 viewsHaha, this illustrates the trouble with Green Drops perfectly. And I swear, they're just a liiiiiiitle too close to really portraying the troll face anyway X)
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