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Vash and Yoshie by GeorgeTheRaccoon134 viewsHere we have a couple of new characters, Vash and Yoshie. Probably best to stay out of the way of Vash's nose though.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 6 by Drew134 viewsI don't think the guy in the sharp headgear is too happy about this... Although, it does illustrate perfectly the problem with trying to see in that helmet...

James' Magical Adventure Pt 5 by Drew134 viewsThank goodness for the Kitty Censor!

Bomb Man by Bullfrog5953134 viewsThis seems like an interesting visual style. I wonder how some bulkier RMs like Guts Man and Wind Man would look in this style...

James' Magical Adventure Pt 11 by Drew134 viewsIt seems Momiji has a rather troubled past. In the words of Yahtzee, that's the equivalent of a season pass in Silent Hill. Alas, this may be the last comic in the series. A comment I had made about having depressing parts in what up to now was a funny, silly, comedic comic was taken rather badly I'm afraid, and he may have lost interest.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 10 by Drew134 viewsMomiji seems to have made a shocking discovery. Pyramid Head seems to have decided to leave them alone for now however.

Heartless Pharaoh Man by GeorgeTheRaccoon134 viewsI really love the design of this one, it looks very stylish I think!

James' Magical Adventure Pt 14 by Drew134 viewsAh, the eternal question... Just where did Eddie get that pizza?

Goku by IrukaAoi134 viewsEvidently the other half of the "fusion pose" with Vegeta. It looks quite well done, certainly!

NES Met by GeorgeTheRaccoon134 viewsAn adorable Met that plays classic video games? Yes please!

James' Magical Adventure Pt 19 Explanation by Drew134 viewsThe questions in Pt 19 were actually given to me to decide where things would go. Thus, I answered them, and the comic proceeded.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 24 by Drew134 viewsDiving down all those holes can't be good for James. I certainly would advise against it. Especially given that ominous shadow.
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