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James' Magical Apology by Drew124 viewsEvidently Drew meant to have more parts of JMA ready for this week, but alas, left them elsewhere.

Satellite Frontier by GeorgeTheRaccoon123 viewsHere we have a rather stylish Keyblade designed around Galaxy Man. I think this looks quite nice ^_^

Cornamon by GeorgeTheRaccoon123 viewsAdamant that this has nothing to do with Digimon, this evidently is more inspired by Invader ZIM. I never actually watched that series, so I'm afraid I can't say much more on the matter ^_^;

Neo Commander Heartless by GeorgeTheRaccoon123 viewsEvidently, this is quite a powerful and cunning Heartless, one who has slain Tauros' father. Quite a menacing figure, this one.

George the Maid by GeorgeTheRaccoon123 viewsMaid outfits are certainly making the rounds! Methinks I'll refrain though. If anything, a butler's uniform, but even that... Egh, I've never been comfortable in formal wear...

Present George by GeorgeTheRaccoon123 viewsIt seems George wants to blend in while visiting Christmas Town! This should be a good disguise. Just beware of getting unwrapped.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 13 by Drew123 viewsA bit of a mistake on the sign, but in all fairness, Jack's Inn and Pete's Bowl-a-rama are very close to each other... And the Jack Skellington sign is cool. Oh, and bashing Maria with the plank = highly recommended.

Pyramid Sonic by GeorgeTheRaccoon123 viewsYou know, I'm quite certain Pyramid Head is fast enough already on Hard mode... ^_^;

Search for an Angel Pt 3 by Drew123 viewsA valiant attack, but it seems this dark mirror isn't going down so easily.

James' Magical Adventure Pt EX 1 by Drew123 viewsWarning : Randomly jumping down every hole you come across may be hazardous to your health.

Prueba by IrukaAoi123 viewsTesting out full digital work, here we have a self portrait from IrukaAoi. The wind effects look rather nice I think.

Lemmy Koopa by Jon Causith123 viewsJon wanted to do some art streaming for a night, and asked if I had any requests. First thing that came to mind was my personal favorite Koopaling, Lemmy. He tends to be my main on Mario Kart 8, as well as my preferred skin for Bowser Jr. in Smash 4.
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