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Spyro and Sheep Man by Jon Causith108 viewsSo Jon randomly drew Sheep Man one day, saying he was surprised to be doing so, though he does actually like him. And then I randomly imagined Spyro chasing him trying to get butterflies for Sparx. And then art happened!

Spyro by Jon Causith108 viewsClassic Spyro meets Skylanders Spyro! Yeah, if they ever do an HD remake of the original Spyro trilogy, I hope they go back to the original series style and humor... That's my main concern there...

Return of Clippit by Jon Causith108 viewsGroose being loose or not, I freely admit I actually liked Clippit... though I think I used a different assistant.

Fire Man vs Mega Man by Jon Causith108 viewsA nice dymaic shot of a battle between the FLAMES OF JUSTICE and the Blue Bomber.

Nonplussed Mega Man by Jon Causith108 viewsA bit of title card art from a video project Jon is doing of playing through MM2 without using Metal Blade. That's right, no overpowered broken blades for you!

Spidey Traps Shocker by Jon Causith108 viewsI'm admittedly not familiar with Shocker, I mainly remember a different Spider-Man villain with an electric name.

Elewoofro by Eddy64108 viewsSummoned incorrectly and cranky about it or not, now you've gone too far!

King Dedede Faces by Jon Causith108 viewsThe most perfect and flawless part of the emotes project.

Roahm in StarTropics by NeroGB108 viewsHere Roahm's filling in for Mike Jones from StarTropics. It does bring to mind the fact that I always kind of wanted Mike in Smash, but it might be a bit tricky to differentiate him from Ness...

Chopper Man by Parrotmaster107 viewsThis fellow is a custom Robot Master. Evidently, he has the ability to transform into a helicopter, somewhat like Gyro Man's Battle Network counterpart.

Mega Charizard Y by Jon Causith107 viewsI always liked Mega Charizard Y more than X. I wish he got more recognition, but most promotional stuff tends to focus more on Char X.

Ninja Kirby by Jon Causith107 viewsQuite a stylish Ninja Kirby here! Ninja's one of those abilities I love even if I'm not super great with it.
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