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Water Kirby Splashin by Jon Causith105 viewsI have to wonder why Water was basically changed to Poison in Robobot... I mean, unless I'm wrong, it's essentially the same power...? Maybe there's slight differences like with Yoyo and Whip...

Elewoofro by Eddy64104 viewsSummoned incorrectly and cranky about it or not, now you've gone too far!

Wave Beam by Jon Causith103 viewsEven if you absolutely NEED the Ice Beam in most Metroid games, somehow, I've just always thought the Wave Beam felt like Samus' most iconic beam weapon. I wonder what others think on that subject?

Blade Man by Jon Causith103 viewsMy favorite MM10 Robot Master! There's something just really unique and stylized about his appearance. And hey, I like purple.

Pipe Maze by Jon Causith103 viewsConfusing as it could be, the Pipe Maze of Super Mario Bros. 3 always did feel pretty iconic. Bonus Weird Al fan Koopa Paratroopa!

Proto Man and Beat by Jon Causith103 viewsA detail here I'm not sure if I knew, Jon says he associates these two largely due to the arcade fighting games. I've admittedly only played those once, so I didn't remember that.

Magic Kirby Ball Trick by Jon Causith103 viewsAnd presto, a magical ball, that is also me! Kirby would put on a strange magic show...

Lana and Wishiwashi by Jon Causith103 viewsI wonder why they don't let you have a Totem Wishiwashi... Maybe Lana's trolling us again somehow...

Robocop by Jon Causith103 viewsIn all honesty, thanks to ProtonJon streams, I can't take Robocop seriously anymore. All I can see is the Waluigi nose and stache of "Robertcop."

Hunger Buff by Jon Causith103 viewsDoes hunger equal strength? If so, Kirby must be terrifyingly powerful...

WHEE by Eddy64103 viewsPutting the bounciest Robot Master in such a bouncy stage seems like it could be problematic...

Just Doing My Job by Eddy64103 viewsThat is not a small charge. You'll be paying that one back for awhile.
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