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roahm by Eddy6498 viewsThis actually makes perfect sense if you've ever run afoul of a large number of Volt Man in a problematic simulation. See also Make a Good Mega Man Level 2.

Bad Eddie 5 by Eddy6498 viewsThe truest form of betrayal.

A New Move for Roahm by Wason Liu98 viewsI'm not sure what exactly is going on here, but it's definitely flashy.

Forsooth, Snake Eyes by Jon Causith98 viewsI'm really not sure what the outfits of the Gambler trainer class are supposed to look like. I just can't not see it as a poofy-sleeved shakespearean actor's outfit.

Roahm in Zelda II by NeroGB98 viewsHere we have Roahm subbing in for Link, wearing the classic tunic.

Rabbits in Roahm's Room by Wason Liu98 viewsY'know, if I had prior opportunity to bunny proof my room and make it safe for them, I'd be pretty okay with this.

Behold Impact Man by Jon Causith98 viewsAs much as I love the full cast of Mega Man 11, one does have to admit, Impact Man definitely has a memorable and charismatic personality.

Cats and Bunnies by Jon Causith97 viewsLooking for drawing requests, I requested two random characters I like, Benjamin Clawhauser from Zootopia, and Arcade Bunny from Nintendo Badge Arcade. He added an extra cat and bunny, opting for Bonkers and Roger Rabbit.

Crypt Man by Jon Causith97 viewsHere we have Jon's favorite Robot Master from Mega Man Rock Force. He's definitely a stylish sort!

Enker by Jon Causith97 viewsEnker always ranked as my favorite of the Mega Man Killers, his power was just so unique.

Mega Charizard Y by Jon Causith97 viewsI always liked Mega Charizard Y more than X. I wish he got more recognition, but most promotional stuff tends to focus more on Char X.

Shadow Man by Jon Causith97 viewsAh, the good ol' stylish ninja Robot Master. I always did like his design, simple but stylish.
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