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Mr. Freeze and Nora - Tired Edition by Jon Causith96 viewsSo Jon wanted to draw these two, and did so right before going to bed. Tired drawing is a beautiful thing.

Piplup From Memory by Jon Causith96 viewsAh, my favorite Sinnoh starter. Gotta love an adorable penguin.

Toriel's Cooking by Jon Causith96 viewsThe only question now is if goatmom is making butterscotch cinnamon pie or snail pie...

Rowlet From Memory by Jon Causith96 viewsThere was no question for me when it came to Alolan starter, I wanted that birb.

Spidey on the Wall by Jon Causith96 viewsWell, if the editor still needs pictures of Spider-Man, Jon's good at getting them XD

Toad Joe by Eddy6496 viewsThese guys during MaGMML2 never ceased to crack me up. I have no idea why, they were just really amusing to me apparently!

Super Arm & Rolling Cutter by Jon Causith96 viewsJon decided to try drawing some of the old Robot Master weapons with Mega Man doing as he does in 11, copying some attributes of the Robot Masters themselves. I'm quite interested to see more of these!

When Trainers' Eyes Meet by Jon Causith96 viewsI've heard people say the player character in Pokemon is a bully, using overpowered Pokemon to take out the pets of school children and then steal their lunch money. I say THEY started it, I just wanted to walk down the route in peace!

Scorbunny by Jon Causith96 viewsHeck yeah Team Scorbunny! So looking forward to getting one!

Roahm in Pokémon by NeroGB96 viewsHere's Roahm as a Pokémon trainer. The lack of wings was a style decision since you have to rely on your Pokémon to fly. We'll say I just have them tucked inside the jacket. That would be uncomfortable.

Doom Trap by casismybestfriend, requested by RainbowMatrix96 viewsYou really have to be careful about opening treasure chests. Especially if you're Pranko. Better get another Cup of Wishes...

Cute Magical Puppy by RudolphFahrenheit95 viewsAw, who's a good puppy? WzDog's a good puppy! Even if the ToyRobo part of MMBN4 is perhaps one of the most tedious (especially if you have to do it six times), WzDog is pretty adorable.
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