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Mega Man 1 Weapons in 11 Style by Jon Causith92 viewsA full set of the MM1 weapons done with 11's technique of adding attributes of the Robot Master he got them from. Also includes a Hyper Bomb recolor to go with Jon's alt color for Bomb Man.

Roahm Cartoon by NeroGB92 viewsSince I've been playing Cuphead, Nero decided to send a toon style version of my character!

Toad Man Sketch Page MM11 Style by Jon Causith92 viewsA little love for Toad Man, which hey, it's good to see. The guy needs some love and attention.

VVVVVVery Dizzy by Jon Causith92 viewsThe Gravitron will do that to you. Vermilion doesn't seem bothered though.

Durgon in the Naughty Corner by Jon Causith92 viewsTo be fair, they did warn me, but did I listen? No! So this is only fair.

GLORIOUS by Jon Causith91 viewsKing Knight's glory is not to be questioned!

Shade Man by Jon Causith91 viewsI always liked Shade Man's design, very stylish vampire, and not the sparkly kind.

Shovel and Shield by Jon Causith91 viewsIf Shovel Knight is the Blue Burrower, does Shield Knight have a similar name? The Red Reflector?

Varia Suit by Jon Causith91 viewsA stylish rendition of Samus donning the Varia Suit!

Scarecrow by Jon Causith91 viewsI wonder how uncommon it is that I didn't really know much about Scarecrow as a Batman villain until the Arkham games...

Specter Knight's Attack by Jon Causith91 viewsSpecter Knight can be tricky to get used to, but oh so fun once you get how he works.

Starly From Memory by Jon Causith91 viewsBefore I saw the title, just seeing the thumbnail, I thought maybe this was Pidgey. Route 1 birds can kind of blend sometimes ^_^;
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