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Revised Tetris Lyrics by GandWatch495 viewsHere we have an updated version of the Tetris song lyrics as written by Neo.

It's All Their Fault495 viewsWHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?!

JewelMan.EXE Design by StuartDave494 viewsThis was another design for a Net Navi version of Jewel Man, sent in by StuartDave. Quite flashy and covered in bling, he indeed seems like he'd be the Navi of a jewelry store owner or such. Quite nice!

Shagg Wars494 viewsOne day on Skype, I got to listen in as Shagg and Kit played a vs. match on Advance Wars for the DS. Shagg's strategies can be a bit on the trollish side, which makes for its own amusement. He evidently enjoys employing infantry spam... even on a map that's just a chain of islands. "Alright everyone, line up on the shore!"

Ears Are Tasty494 viewsSo one of my characters is a bunny by the name of Susie. In the fact that I cannot resist cute, I imagined her having larger ears that stayed that way as she grew, so she would have the habit of nibbling on one of her ears when nervous or such.

Cannon Man by KevROB948492 viewsThis Robot Master seems to have a bit of a backstory. So this is the first Met that Mega Man ever defeated, way back in Guts Man's stage? My, how he's grown!

Behind the Hat pt 4/4 by GandWatch492 viewsAnd thus, we reach a touching conclusion. Toad Man's love for her seems to be enough to keep Suwako happy. Her song at the end is actually a set of lyrics Neo wrote to go with one of her themes, "Tomorrow will be Special, Yesterday was Not." This was quite an interesting storyline, and I enjoyed reading through it ^_^

Behind the Hat pt 2/4 by GandWatch492 viewsPoor Toad Man has a lot to take in here, but the story is not a happy one for Suwako. However, Toad Man is willing to listen.

Rock Man Danmaku by GandWatch492 viewsStrike Man is one of the closest things to danmaku that Mega Man has seen, especially on Hard mode o.o;

Youmu Outtakes by GandWatch492 viewsWho ya gonna call? Youkai Busters? Hmm...

Bossy Game by GandWatch492 views...But which is bossier? This, Navi from Ocarina of Time, or JUMP JUMP! SLIDE SLIDE!

A Popsicle of You by GandWatch492 viewsWell, it's nice to see Frost Man following up on his promises X) This does make me want ice cream treats though.
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