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Wicked and Weak 5 by Jon Causith84 views(cue Dog Ending theme)

Kirby and Kine by Jon Causith84 viewsI was a little disappointed that Kine didn't get light bulb missiles in Star Allies.

Star Crash by Jon Causith84 viewsStar Crash is a weird one for me as I tend to forget any particulars on that one... I think it's one you can throw, but I use it so rarely I forget what more there is to it... This pic came about from Jon using a random generator to pick some weapons to try drawing.

Proto Man Appears FINAL by Jon Causith84 viewsAnother work done as an experimental joint effort between Flash and Fire Alpaca. The end result is quite a stylish encounter scene!

Roahm Rage by Neo84 viewsA particular moment in Startropics resulted in wanting an updated version of the old classic FFFFFFF pic. Neo was kind enough to provide quite a nice one here!

The Perverted Robot Master by Wason Liu83 viewsFlash Man, no, you're my favorite MM2 Robot Master, stop making me question this.

Time Man and Fuse Man by Wason Liu83 viewsI sense tension in the air.

Roahm Mythril Doodle by Jon Causith83 viewsIn a recent video, Jon talked about how he dealt with procrastinating habits, showing his work on various art pieces. In the end of the video, he added this doodle, crediting me as being a good friend. Now if only I could ditch my own procrastinating habits... Does that count as irony somehow? ^_^;

Bugzzy Arena 1 by Jon Causith83 viewsAn establishing shot of Kirby facing Bugzy in an arena. I always did think Bugzzy was cool, a nice character design.

Bomberman by NeroGB83 viewsA nice stylish picture of White Bomber.

Galaxy Battle of WUT by Jon Causith82 viewsWhen facing Galaxy Man at the end of the Pit of Pits, I was not expecting suddenly danmaku.

Egg Out! by Jon Causith82 viewsBeware of angry Chansey! Things could get eggsplosive.
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