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The Adventures of Link in Head Land by Jon Causith74 viewsAs a kid, I thought a pattern was going when the instruction manual dubbed the first two bosses as Horsehead and Helmethead. It was quickly a broken pattern with the third boss, but hey, we can't have everything.

Bomberman by NeroGB74 viewsA rather stylish picture of Bomberman. It's a series I'd maybe want to do for the channel, but I know some of the earlier games are fairly repetitive.

Tornado Man CD by Eddy6474 viewsSo when to we get a real life Tornado Man to stop things like the 2020 hurricane season...? Just asking.

Tundra Man CD by Eddy6474 viewsTundra Man definitely is stylish, and probably has my favorite stage theme in the game. He's probably my second favorite of the MM11 Robot Masters.

Torch Man CD by Eddy6474 viewsI..... still need to practice fighting this guy... I never really caught on to his patterns in the blind run.

Nightmare Gathering by KewlNerd20X673 viewsMethinks I've taken a very bad turn into a very bad neighborhood...

Wicked and Weak 3 by Jon Causith73 viewsHarry : "...wanna go to Silent Hill and bust some heads?"
Cheryl : "Okay! That'd be great!"
James : (in toilet) "Can I come too?"

Wicked and Weak 4 by Jon Causith73 views(various sounds of explosions)

Vs Pharaoh Man by Jon Causith73 viewsIf you don't use the Flash Stopper, Pharaoh Man's fight is actually pretty dynamic and fun.

First Series in 11 Style by Jon Causith73 viewsIn addition to the weapons, Jon also wanted to try adapting the MM1 Robot Masters into a more 11 style. He's working on further developing these currently.

Ice Slasher & Fire Storm by Jon Causith73 viewsA couple more MM1 weapons in MM11 style. If we get more Classic games, I kinda hope this sticks around, I like the variance it gives.

Kirby And Fam plus Over The Years by Jon Causith73 viewsA colored group shot of Kirby and friends from Jon's comics, as well as a series of Kirby and Dedede drawings showing how they've evolved over time! Kirby's..... been kinda constant. But cute and friend-shaped all the same.
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