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Pink Physics492 viewsDuring her Super Mario Sunshine broadcast, Pink had a habit of breaking physics wherever possible. Perhaps one of the most ridiculous instances of this was to somehow slide UP on hills... on her belly.... yeah.

Practicing Medicine492 viewsSo Shagg has gotten into Team Fortress 2 lately, and has seemingly found his niche as the Medic. He was quite obsessive about crafting the Solemn Vow, which led to some rather awkward requests and conversations....... just sayin'...... yep.

Judge Man by GandWatch491 viewsA Robot Master counterpart for JudgeMan.EXE. He seems to be inspired a good bit by Touhou's Shikeiki.

Achievement Unlocked by GandWatch491 viewsThis is admittedly one thing I like about the 360. There is something satisfying about getting your little flashy message telling you you did good.

Mystery Let's Play Theater 3000491 viewsYou know... this is pretty much what joining on Pink's broadcasts tends to feel like sometimes... X)

Legendary Difficulties491 views...Capture Rate 3 is an evil thing... This picture came about after throwing well over 100 Ultra Balls at a sleeping Regigas with the barest pixel of health remaining.

Lumashop Quartet491 viewsSo as Shagg and Ian played Super Mario Galaxy, Ian was always excited for one thing : the Luma Shop song. He couldn't wait for the first one. And thus started a running gag of excitement.

Ninja'd by GandWatch490 viewsGandWatch's answer to the request for Ninja Higsbys. Ichinisan no jutsu! HUH!!! Yes, if anyone would have numeric ninja skills...

Kool Aid Style by GandWatch490 viewsIt's a scary thought, but that IS Guts Man's comment upon finishing a stage in Powered Up.... XD

Ponyenza Has Taken Over490 viewsWell, I fought it as long as I could. And then Shagg uttered the phrase "baby bunny stampede." I have a severe weakness to cuteness... so yeah. Game over, ponies win.

The Shiny Fighters - The End by 11Natrium490 viewsWell that escalated quickly.

Mindstep490 viewsAnother of Kit's Pokemon he wanted drawn, here's his Malamar, Mindstep.
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