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Ultimate Fistbump485 viewsRight before his computer went boom, Shagg was talking about a possible plan for a game idea. Part of this involved Cirno and Unzan teaming up, and thus, this request was made.

Dragon Nezumi by Neo485 viewsAh, Dragon Nezumi, you had such potential, until I found that blind spot of yours. Maybe it's your helmet? Looks like it might be blocking your eyes there, brother dragon! He does have some of the coolest style of the Nezumi crew though.

Wave Nezumi by Neo485 viewsWave Nezumi is the source of some confusion. While some, such as myself and Neo, see her as female, others apparently believe her to be male, either crossdressing or just a decked out, long haired surfer dude (the latter, I could actually possibly see). Still, drawn as a female here, she's adorable!

Milky Nezumi by Neo485 viewsBeware, criminal scum! The heroic Milky Nezumi is on the job! Though what's a superhero type like this doing working for Dr. Gyoniku? The mousie world may never know!

Dimensional Jump Cut by GandWatch484 viewsYukari and Cut Man do share a seeming ability to snip their way through space and think with portals, so thus, they have been paired together. Cut Man seems happy about this. For those wondering, I believe Cut Man's space snipping abilities were seen in the fighting games.

Love and War by GandWatch484 viewsThose Touhou girls are serious about games! Evidently a game of chess with Reimu can go too far sometimes. According to GandWatch however, this is all merely metaphor for what happened during a game of chess between Reimu and Mega Man. Reimu evidently was disturbed by how power-hungry she became during the game that she quit.

Power Made Manifest484 viewsWhile I am indeed a furry, I do not generally use the term "fursona." However, seeing that term while playing Persona 4 gave me silly ideas. I can't be sure what arcana I'd be though, I don't know enough about tarot cards.

Roahm Portraits by GandWatch484 viewsIn the early phases of the Pink Rose Garden Touhou game, I was to be the second playable character. However, due to limited positions, I felt it better that Raiden get that spot since she's known Pink longer. Thus, I am now the Stage 5 boss. I do wonder if future versions of the game might make more characters playable.

606 - Mulder484 viewsAs I was catching aliens to train, all I could think of was the X-Files. Thus, I can only think of my Beheeyem as a secret agent type, concealing his identity as he works. And yes, had it been female, I would have named it Scully.

Bright Man is Screwed by TPPR10483 views...Best to not look, Bright Man. It will all be over soon enough.

Random Requests by GandWatch483 views.........I really don't know what to make of the chaos on my page from that day...

Cirno Nine News by GandWatch483 viewsIt seems Cirno is finally getting her own game! From the sound of it, this might also mark a canon in-game appearance of a few previously print-work only characters. Either way, it seems Cirno will finally be able to prove if she truly is the strongest!
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