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Metroid Bread by Jon Causith30 viewsDelicious space parasite bread. I'm sure somewhere along the line, we all mentally heard this... In this case, it was misheard by Jon's sibling, and thus, BREAD!

Air Shooter MM11 Style by Jon Causith30 viewsHere we have Mega Man firing off the Air Shooter, though drawn more in his Mega Man 11 style. It's a good look, nice clean lines!

Deer Fortress by Jon Causith30 viewsEvidently Jon asked Siri to listen to Gear Fortress, aaaaand Siri misunderstood. And so the resident rock band of Pink's Animal Crossing island gets a base of operations.

Cross Fusion ProtoMan by HatOnFire30 viewsAnother from the Reinstalled series, a new cross fusion style for ProtoMan. Rather than the sort of "mix" of color the original ponytail had, this one instead goes for a twin-tail design, one black and one white.

High Schooler Peppino by Jon Causith30 viewsIt would seem this is in reference to a lyrical version of The Death that I Deservioli. Just how long has this guy been dealing with cooking stress?

Burner Man by Jon Causith29 viewsHere we have an action shot of Burner Man, who turned out to have Jon's favorite visual design from MM&B. Also Lolo showing that he's skilled with using Ice Wall. I guess he would be at that!

Mario Know's Bowser's Castle Apparently by Jon Causith29 viewsYeaaaah, the only trouble is how often Bowser's castle changes... And no matter what Nintendo might say about Mario's profession, plumbers gonna plumb.

Quick Man's Trap by Wason Liu29 viewsWell, if nothing else, Quick Man knows what I like. But to be fair, there's a lot of people out there distracted by shinies.

Stealthy, Yo by Jon Causith29 viewsIt was silly, and I could not resist doing this during MMBN5, if it's not going to penalize me and let me do something dumb, I'm there XD

Freeze Man is Mad by Wason Liu29 viewsGiven his CD profile, it's known that Freeze Man dislikes pollution, hence his weakness to Junk Shield.... But really I'd hope anyone would be upset with this kind of a scenario.

Gems of Power by JokerTheHedgehog29 viewsHopefully this displays correctly, I'm still not 100% if Coppermine behaves well with animated gifs. Either way, this came about from asking what sort of genre of game I could see my character being in, my thought was a Metroidvania exploration sort of game. Naturally gems would be my source of powers.

Suplex ala Battletoads by Jon Causith29 viewsThe idea of Kirby morphing his limbs the way the Battletoads do for attacks is.... unsettling, just a bit ^_^;
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