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RMN-002 - Bow Man3 viewsAn athletic instructor, Bow Man has trained many Olympic level athletes for archery competitions.

RMN-003 - Glass Man3 viewsWhile he was made to produce large panes of glass for industrial construction, he gets bored of just making plain, clear glass. He far prefers intricate stained glass windows.

RMN-005 - Devil Man3 viewsMade to aid in volcanic research, Devil Man is more carefree and devil-may-care than you might imagine. He's a total metalhead that loves swinging through his lair without a care in the world.

RMN-014 - Arc Man3 viewsA power restoration robot, Arc Man generates electricity by running at high speeds, using it to jumpstart damaged systems.

Bow Man by Gabriel Dreemurr3 viewsA rendition of Bow Man, my archery instructor Robot Master!

RMN Line Economy Test by NeoGandWatch3 viewsNeo was doing some tests on his own RMs, seeing how "identifiable" they are when drawn in a minimalist style, as few lines as possible. He then tried testing mine, so here are some tests on that. It's interesting seeing these simple doodle styles of my crew, it's a style that oddly I tend to have a hard time drawing in this style.

Oracle Woman by Gabriel Dreemurr2 viewsOn the opposite side, my most recently designed Robot Master!

Store Overrun by Rabbits by powersimplified18712 viewsSo there was a dream I had quite some time ago in which I had been sent to do grocery shopping. And while at the store, I found it was just filled with adorable rabbits. You know, I'm okay with this.

Fruit Man by NeoGandWatch2 viewsFruit Man has a fairly child-like innocence to him, just a cheerful mascot. Though looks like he has a childish crush on Neo's Ignite Woman.

Origami Man by NeoGandWatch2 viewsOrigami Man tends to enjoy a serene, peaceful existence with his craft.

Vegas Man by NeoGandWatch2 viewsVegas Man can't help turning on the charm around a pretty face. Neo's Casino Man does not benefit from this.

RMN-001 - Vegas Man2 viewsA flashy casino manager, Vegas Man thinks the flashier, the better. He could easily rig games to his favor, but refuses to do so, wanting to see how his luck holds out.
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