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Toad Man's Nightmare by GandWatch930 viewsPoor Toad Man never gets a break. First the most easily manipulated AI in the history of Mega Man, and now Cirno's here to freeze him...

Chance Time! by GandWatch930 viewsOh gods.... The two most evil words in all of gaming... So often have I been screwed over by Chance Time...

Missingno by Ace-heart930 viewsAh, Missingno... Must you ruin everything you touch?

Subhydra927 viewsSubhydra is a skillful healer and the Chaos Dragon of Water. He tends to be laid back, going with the flow. The water currents of the world carry information to him, so he often keeps the other Chaos Dragons informed of world events. Subhydra (c) R. Mythril

Sun Jian927 viewsHere's Kitfox as Sun Jian, leader of the Wu Kingdom. For the kingdom leaders, I wanted to use the three major heroes from our storylines. Kitfox seemed like the right choice for Sun Jian, who cared mostly for his family and was generally a nice, jovial guy. Kitfox (c) C.Hersey, Dynasty Warriors (c) Koei

Shade Man Screenshot by ablon08926 viewsThis is the sort of romhack I'd really love to see, but have no idea how possible it would even be, something that put ALL the Navis from ALL the games in one, could even let you collect all their chips... I do love collecting things, so that would be awesome.

A Matter of Clones by GandWatch924 viewsIt really bothered me that they cut characters from Brawl. I quite hated that fact. I always wondered why they cut Mewtwo since his moves were unique... Now we know!

Quick Man by Ace-heart920 viewsBelieve it, Quick Man. On the bright side, I don't have a reason to try to do it again, meaning you're keeping any AI weakness you might have well hidden.

Cheating by Ace-Heart920 viewsOne has to wonder how many downgrades Quick Man needed to be on par with everyone else...

Quint's Attack by GandWatch916 viewsAs much as it would have made sense for Wily to load Quint up with all the Robot Master weapons... I think we can be glad he didn't...

Revenge by Ace-heart914 viewsTime to give Quick Man a bit of sweet danmaku-y revenge. Hopefully that many Proto Man and Bass shots will keep him busy.

Drill Now Ask Later by GandWatch912 viewsIt can be a bit difficult to approach Drill Man... Seems he's a bit quick on the attack...
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