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How to Get a Pikaze by GandWatch473 viewsYou know, this certainly seems crazy enough to be one of those internet rumors on how to get an ungettable Pokemon... ^_^; I like the touch of Alice's book not being able to be used.

Shortening473 viewsSo Shagg seriously trained a Butterfree. We weren't sure how well it would do... Then it managed to demolish Kit's team, and put the hurt on mine as well (which was destroyed by his other Pokemon after a butterfly rampage). Fear the Butterfree, even if he is adorable.

The Red Eyed Wooly Spider Attacks by InvisibleCoinBlock472 viewsThe Red Eyed Wooly Spider (DUN DUN DUNNNNNN) seems to have claimed another victim! Quick, get the whiskey!

Eyebrows of Doom by GandWatch472 viewsYou go, Wily! Flex those crazy brows! It just never feels right when he doesn't do that.

Ascend by GandWatch472 viewsThis is quite a nice piece, I love the stylish look of it all, the different layers going on here. Quite eyecatching, this ^_^

Pointless Point by GandWatch472 viewsI've never been sure which was weirder, having a score system in the first game, or the fact that none of the other games had one...

Urban Legend of Zelda by GandWatch472 views...You know, I must admit, that empty Triforce slot on the item screen always did drive me a bit crazy...

Cerberus on the Moon472 viewsSo Kit and Shagg were playing Mass Effect 3 together. Ahh, the things that come over the Skype chat... Requested by Chompie!

Professional Protagonist Powers by Neo472 viewsBy the power of James Sunderland, Reimu is overpowered! It all makes sense now! You'd best respet her, or she may borrow James' rampage plank, and that won't be good for anyone.

Save the Bright Mind by GandWatch471 viewsIt looks like Bright Man is settling in a bit more, enjoying his time in the Voile Library. I'm sure Patchouli appreciates having more light to read by as well. And I just have to point out that has got to be one of the cutest renditions of Bright Man I have ever seen ^_^

Motherly Instinct471 views......Skype calls can prove quite silly sometimes.

Callie and Marie Sprites by MarioFan96471 viewsThe extra cameo battles in Super Fighting Robot inspired MarioFan96 to make these custom MM style sprites of the Squid Sisters. Stay fresh!
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