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Page 50 Celebration by GandWatch470 viewsGandWatch totally got a new tablet you guys!.... Okay, so not really. The real Page 50 is something else entirely.

The Gang Plays MSPA by GandWatch470 viewsPoor Mega Man... I have a feeling you're going to have a tough time with Reimu... ^_^; Whoever is in charge of this particular MS Paint Adventure seems to agree ^_^;

Victorious Fist by GandWatch470 viewsPunching enemies, always the best way to show your toughness. Maybe that means Travis Grady is the toughest guy in Silent Hill...

Lumious470 viewsSo I was challenged to draw a morphic form of one of the Meteos aliens, so I went with my favorite, Lumious. I thus imagined a glowy raver girl.

Overused Jokes by GandWatch469 viewsIn explaining this one, Neo stated that it wasn't that he lacked ideas, it was that he had TOO MANY ideas to settle on one. I can definitely relate, so many ideas stack up that it becomes hard to pick one to follow, and so it feels like you may as well have none. We also have a guest appearance from IrukaAoi!

Mushroom Advice by GandWatch469 viewsClearly, the best response to trolling and all other forms of annoyance.

Shagg Tries Touhou by GandWatch469 viewsActually, for a first, blind attempt at Touhou, Shagg did rather respectably, I think ^_^

Blame the Penguin by GandWatch469 viewsWell, Sakurai did voice Dedede.... so tripping is all his fault!

Improbable Move469 viewsSo Lopunny can learn Iron Tail... And thus my friends questioned just how she'd use it with that little powderpuff tail of hers... We thus reasoned she must use it like Marisa's butt slam in the Touhou fighting games.

Met Man Sprite Sample469 viewsHey, about time I got back to work on these, eh? Anyway, here's another sprite sample for Mega Man Mythril, this time of Met Man!

Mettaur by Absilon9Zero468 viewsAh, Mettaurs... always so adorable... I would indeed collect them if they really existed.

Wait a Minute468 viewsAs the group speed runner, Kit has never been a fan of enemies that make him wait. Chief among these seems to be Sniper Joes, and their many variants.
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