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Party at Lumious by Neo469 viewsMy friends and I recently got into Meteos Wars for XBLA. I quickly found Lumious to be one of my favorite planets. Funky music on a planet that's like a giant disco ball? Heck yeah! Let the music play!

StrikeMan EXE by ZakkiOrichalcum468 viewsStrikeMan looks like a master of all sports. Possibly a rival of BowlMan's?

Chu Chu Rocket by GandWatch468 viewsWell, Nazrin and Chen DO have the whole "cat and mouse" relation going...

Wait a Minute468 viewsAs the group speed runner, Kit has never been a fan of enemies that make him wait. Chief among these seems to be Sniper Joes, and their many variants.

HEY! by InvisibleCoinBlock467 viewsThese viruses today... Grafitti? Now they've gone too far!

Delay Nezumi by Neo467 viewsAh, Delay Nezumi, the source of most of my problems with Nezumiman. A hardened criminal mouse like this is not to be underestimated!

The Kongs by GandWatch466 viewsThese are two monkeys you don't want to cross... I mean, did you see their entry in Brawl? Don't get on their bad side!

Neo's Approval by GandWatch466 viewsNeo has been helping Bowserslave in trying to learn how to make sprite comics. He's been doing quite a good job of it, methinks, and Neo wishes to recognize that.

MM9 Group Shot by GandWatch466 viewsQuite a nice image here, detailing the shadowed Robot Masters meeting with Dr. Wily. Seeing them in color makes for an interesting image.

Angry Pink466 viewsPink sure does love Shakespeare.... not....

Eirin EXE by RaidenNagare464 viewsIt looks like my favorite Touhou character is now available in Navi form! She looks quite pretty and elegant, and it seems a nice touch, giving her dual Aqua and Heat attacks to match her colors.

Mega Man & Bass Navis by TPPR10464 viewsWith Alpha and KingMan subbing in, we have here a group of Navis representing Mega Man & Bass bosses. Of course, PlanetMan is subbing in for Astro Man, and alas, no Pirate Man or Dynamo Man.
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