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Pink Epic Yarn by GandWatch463 viewsSay what you will about Kirby's Epic Yarn, but the game exudes charm from every pore. That cute charm is captured very nicely here as well, getting Pink into the action ^_^

Dead Rising 2 is Weird Yo463 viewsOkay, so in Dead Rising 2, there's a mission that involves taming a berserk tiger... Once tamed, it joins you as a survivor. And if that's not silly enough?.... YOU CAN GIVE IT TO CHUCK'S DAUGHTER AS A PRESENT. This was quite silly.

Armageddon Outta Here463 viewsJust an average day for Worms, really...

PinkMousieRose463 viewsDue to her current living situation, Pink doesn't have as much privacy as she'd like. Thus, she has to be quiet on Skype. This has been dubbed "mouse mode."

Birthday Foxxie462 viewsThis was done actually as a gift for my friend Kitfox on his birthday. I decided I'd draw something cute to make him happy, and thus this came about. But what is Renard going to do with a cake bigger than him? Renard (c) C. Hersey

Shark Man by EvilMariobot462 viewsThe original Shark Man really doesn't count since Capcom didn't have much to do with the PC games. Besides, I think this one looks much cooler X)

Eirin EXE by RaidenNagare462 viewsIt looks like my favorite Touhou character is now available in Navi form! She looks quite pretty and elegant, and it seems a nice touch, giving her dual Aqua and Heat attacks to match her colors.

Bactrakcing, Joel, Backtracking by GandWatch462 viewsHow some people can memorize the entire map of the full game, I'll never know o.o;

How Thrilling by GandWatch462 viewsAh, Roboenza mode... If only I could get a better connection, I'd happily join in... A dragon can dream, can't he?

1 DWCK by Robin461 viewsOn Thanksgiving, I jokingly did a short LP of Duck Hunt. However, the title screen glitched horribly, and the difficulty setting clearly stated that mode one featured 1 DWCK! And thus, the official bird of Coatpockets was born. The Dwck is a majestic creature of proud Norsk heritage. Raise the drawbridge!

Rockman Killers Wallpaper by GandWatch461 viewsAnother in Neo's series of wallpapers, here we have one dedicated to the Rockman Killers! I also like the added touch of the Enker screen showing the oft-neglected Carry item.

Dancing Palm Trees by GandWatch461 viewsThe Desert probably had my favorite map in SMB3. Cool music, and DANCING PALM TREES! HECK YEAH!
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