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Bee Related Paradoxes by GandWatch457 viewsSo what happens if you give Hornet Man a Bee Mushroom?.... I'm not quite sure, but at least we can agree the Hornet Chaser is ridiculously adorable X)

Power of 9 by GandWatch457 viewsThere is something highly satisfying about pulling this off...

How Not to Be Seen457 viewsWhen Shagg started importing his old Pokemon onto 5th gen, he remarked how silly it was that huge things like Rayquaza could hide in tiny bushes...

Test Panel456 viewsWhen I originally had the idea of doing a web comic, I did this as a test panel. Garreth gets to do something I'm sure we've all dreamed of doing to the annoying telemarketer that knows just when you're about to have dinner. Garreth (c) R. Mythril

Quick Colors by GandWatch455 viewsFor everyone out there who is convinced that Quick Man is high...

Link is a Jerk by GandWatch455 viewsSilent Protagonist Syndrome... it is a terrible affliction to live with...

Karaoke Night by GandWatch455 viewsWell, I suppose Guts Man IS a karaoke machine. Guts Man, Mike, totally BFFs.

Harder Than it Looks by GandWatch455 views.....Yes....... Just yes... Killing off Maria with the Hyper Spray was an exercise in ridiculousness. I love this representation of it X)

The Goddess and the Toad by GandWatch454 viewsToad Man and Suwako look very cute together ^_^ I'm also always impressed by the range of emotion Neo can get with Toad Man, it makes him seem much livelier ^_^

QuickMan EXE is Frozen by TPPR10454 viewsFreezeMan... next time could you freeze QuickMan somewhere where he won't be in the way?

Mega Man 7 Navis by TPPR10454 viewsHere we have the group for MM7. Alas, there's no one to sub in for Burst Man or Spring Man.

Pinky and the Shagg by GandWatch454 viewsWith that Tewi army of his, maybe this is Shagg's goal? Or does Tewi have a Shagg army? It's a confusing situation...
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