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QuickMan High Five by GandWatch455 views......I fear for my life o.o;; With these two plotting together, nothing good can come of it ^_^;; The original Quick Man was bad enough, but then QuickMan.EXE took lessons from him for his appearance in Network Transmission ^_^:

Butter Nezumi by Neo454 viewsBehold, the majestic cow mouse! Butter Nezumi is a rather interesting hybrid, even clearly having a cow tail in the game. Neo got some inspiration here from a running joke about Luigi buttering the soles of his shoes. At least Butter Nezumi seems more graceful about it all!

Smoke Nezumi by Neo454 viewsPerhaps the most simple in design, Smoke Nezumi is little more than a happy cloud of smoke with a mousie face. And yet, he's adorable!

The Prettiest Gengar454 viewsBecause for some reason, Gengar can learn Dazzling Gleam.... yeah.

Fruit Man by Neo453 viewsQuite a nice surprise, Neo drew one of my Robot Masters, Fruit Man! He looks quite cute and colorful, just as I imagine him.

MMPU Outtakes : Ice Man453 viewsHmm, I think this is the wrong game starring someone in a blue parka in an icy setting...

Making This Work by GandWatch452 viewsI can definitely identify with this. At any given time, I might have an emulator or the Gamebridge, Camstudio, Notepad, Word, AIM, Pidgin, and Media Player open at once.

Avoiding Answers by GandWatch452 viewsDon't say it, don't say it...

iPun by GandWatch452 viewsEveryone seems to be enjoying their iPods, whilst Sakuya has instead opted to just warn against any ill-fated jokes.

Usagi by Neo452 viewsUsagi is one confused critter. A kangaroo named after a rabbit, hanging out with a bunch of mice, and acting like Snake Man! Who knows what further identity crisis lurks in the mind of this marsupial!

Title Card by GandWatch451 viewsThis was actually sent in a long time ago, a prototype title card Neo made for his comics. He made a different one later on however, but gave me permission to post this prototype.

MST200X by GandWatch451 views......I have to admit, my expectations weren't high. I haven't actually seen the movie myself, so I cannot judge fairly, but.... that's seriously supposed to be Ice Man? They couldn't get a parka? Really?
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