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Flower Power by fireclimbers448 viewsSometimes, when doing a perfect run, it's not the boss that's the problem. Ring Man had this issue, and so too did Hornet Man... Somebody get some weed killer...

Galactic Oni by GandWatch448 viewsGiven both Galaxy Man and Suika Ibuki like summoning black holes, it seems natural to pair them.... but since she is clumsy, all she can do is hug him.......... SUCCESS!!

Harmless Ride by GandWatch448 viewsHmm... Flandre riding the Chimera from Mother 3, with Crash Man along for the ride?.... What could possibly go wrong?

Robot Roll Call by GandWatch448 viewsWhile listening to an arrange CD of the Mega Man 9 soundtrack, Neo challenged himself to draw the MM9 Robot Masters with no visual reference. I think they turned out rather nice ^_^ And Galaxy Man is adorable as ever X)

Vegas Man sprite sample448 viewsMore work for Mega Man Mythril! The Vegas Man mugshot was originally done for a fangame concept that Shagg was working on, which made use of two of my Robot Masters. I had done the art for those mugshots, and at least was pleased with my Vegas Man mugshot, so a little modification and I used that.

Glass Man by Neo448 viewsNeo's image for Glass Man is quite awesome! He gave him a far more intimidating and mystical look than my rendition, quite fitting for him.

Bead Nightmares by 1Nobod448 viewsSo this was a surprise, a wall hanging sent to me by 1Nobod, made with perler beads! Quite cool, that. It now hangs on my wall. Picture taken with my 3DS!

Sophie Shorts448 viewsSo Kit's Asura in Guild Wars 2 has a strange mask. Or at least had one. But there's only one way I can see it...

Behind the Hat pt 3/4 by GandWatch447 viewsThus, we reach an explanation of just where Suwako obtained her famous hat. With everything stacking up against her, Suwako's life was not a happy one. However, she at least started making friends, even if in a roundabout way. Kanako was forced to realize she needed Suwako, and Reimu and Marisa don't seem to bear grudges against others.

Mega Man Network by GandWatch447 viewsQuite a creative image, this one, using a Mega Man face sprite as a Battle Network map. Quite stylish ^_^

Witchy Stare by GandWatch447 viewsAshley and Patchouli seem to be having a bit of a disagreement here... Looks like Marisa is all too happy to take advantage of their distraction...

Draw the World 2 by GandWatch446 viewsIn this entry, we have the worlds of Star Fox, F-Zero, Metal Gear (Metal Gear!), Pokemon, and Kirby, as well as the Island of the Ancients, ROB's home area from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Nicely designed! I like the touch of the sprites representing the Poke Floats.
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