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This Can't Be Good by GandWatch446 views666 messages? That's quite a lot, ominous coincidences not withstanding o.o;

Electric Poetry by GandWatch446 viewsWhatever you think of him, Elec Man is one of the most stylish and well known Robot Masters. Thus, he deserves some wallpaper.

Breaking the Silly Meter by GandWatch446 viewsIndeed, the manga "Inaba of Moon and Inaba of Earth" made the Eientei group quite silly ^_^;

Poor Goombas by GandWatch446 views......The term overkill comes to mind.... poor Goomba indeed!

Lord of the Rings by GandWatch445 viewsAll we need now is a map of Middle Earth with a convenient, beeping path drawn over it.

Pharaoh Man's Critical Attack by InvisibleCoinBlock445 viewsBeware, the ultimate attack of the ancient Egyptians..... DISCO POINTING!

25 Degrees by GandWatch445 viewsNice stealth reference to the Donkey Kong stage in the title there X) But poor Letty, she'll never live down the "big hitbox" thing ^_^;

Jelly Donut445 viewsWhile playing Pokemon Black, Kit randomly named his Galvantula "Jelly." ....Why, GameFreak? Why do you try to convince me spiders are cute?

MMPU Outtakes : Elec Man445 viewsStrike a pose... with lightning...?

Draw the World 1 by GandWatch444 viewsGandWatch took it upon himself to draw various gaming worlds represented in the Smash Bros. games as Kingdom Hearts type worlds. This is quite an interesting project, and I like the designs! In this batch, we have the worlds of Sonic the Hedgehog, Game & Watch, Super Mario Bros., Ice Climbers, Kid Icarus, and Pikmin.

High Score by GandWatch444 viewsSo.... is this Battletoads? A little bit of a yes and no there, it seems. Whatever the case, the team of Suwako and Toad Man seems to be unbeatable!... Though does this mean Snake Man's stage enemies are going to fill in for those Karnaks or whatever they were called?

Roahm's Personal Army by tAll3ShyguySkullLand444 viewsBladers and Mets are rather cute. Perhaps they'd like to join me for a little anti-Wily REVENGE?!!
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