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Choices, Choices by Ace-heart910 views.......Seriously.... is there really a choice to be made here?

Difficat by Ace-heart910 viewsThe power of kitties overpowers everything. So I believe this picture occured .02 seconds before Tango found a way to destroy Force Beams once and for all.

Quick Man's Secret Garden by GandWatch908 viewsGandWatch did warn me about the dangers of giving him ideas... This was spawned when comments brought up the subject of Hanabiran possibly being made by Quick Man... This led to thinking of him as a gardener...

Past vs Future by ablon08903 viewsWhich would win? It's interesting to consider.

Burner Wave by ablon08901 views.....Well this looks frightening. Evidently, it's a product of a romhack in progress.

Russian Typos by GandWatch900 viewsThis was made as a tribute image for my hitting 1000 subscribers on my YouTube account. But seriously? Congartulations? I forgot about that typo ^_^;

Mythril vs X by Ace-heart899 views....Ah the X debate... Never going to hear the end of this one. In all honesty, I'd be happy to stop talking about X if people would stop bringing up the subject and pushing me to make videos of the series. Personal opinions, end of story, moving on.

Tony898 viewsDon't let the stripes fool you, Tony is by no means a ferocious tiger. In truth, he's quite the kitty cat. A sketch artist and assistant fashion designer, Tony is kind to everyone and happy to have the love of Nathan. Tony (c) R. Mythril

Nightmares by Ace-heart898 viewsA warning to all Nightmare Bosses to come : I've defeated everything you've thrown at me so far!

Compu895 viewsCompu is a navi, a cybernetic entity who lives in the computer world (see Rockman.EXE for more details on navis, mine is but a fan creation). He is objective-oriented, almost always serious. He employs electric abilities to defend his home system. Compu (c) R. Mythril

Even More Frigging Crossovers by GandWatch894 viewsZero may have gotten into Tatsunoko vs. Capcom... but it seems Heat Man has a different hero. From my understanding, G Lightan does share some similarities with Heat Man...

Wrong Answer to the Wrong Maid by GandWatch893 viewsGenerally, I don't talk about the "hotness" of game characters. Evidently, this was a mistake when dealing with Sakuya. In my defense though, I didn't make any of those fandom accusations against you, and I did praise your abilities, and, well, yes, you're attractive. Doesn't that count for anything?
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