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Bloody Moonlight Big Top by GandWatch445 views.....For those who didn't think Psychonauts' Meat Circus stage was creepy enough... o.o;

High Score by GandWatch445 viewsSo.... is this Battletoads? A little bit of a yes and no there, it seems. Whatever the case, the team of Suwako and Toad Man seems to be unbeatable!... Though does this mean Snake Man's stage enemies are going to fill in for those Karnaks or whatever they were called?

Einstein's Pro Calculator Xtreme 2445 viewsSo in Worms, Chompie has a team called Vision Squad, where all the worms are named after eye-based enemies from games. Except for one named Eyenstein... that always seems to be able to calculate just the right way to escape death. And so a silly phrase gave birth to a silly concept...

Mega Man 8 Navis by TPPR10444 viewsHere we have the group for MM8. A few substitutions had to be made here, Cancer Bubble for the Claw Crab, Nebula Grey for the Evil Energy, CircusMan for Clown Man, and Yeti Blizzard for Frost Man. There is no Grenade Man, and PlanetMan seems to take issue with CosmoMan subbing in for Astro Man. Take heart, PlanetMan, you'll get your chance soon enough.

Once And For All by GandWatch444 viewsAnd thus, the epic struggle between up and down was solved!

Roahm's Personal Army by tAll3ShyguySkullLand444 viewsBladers and Mets are rather cute. Perhaps they'd like to join me for a little anti-Wily REVENGE?!!

Trickster Prankster by GandWatch441 viewsThese two definitely seem like a perfect fit for each other, neither able to be serious, always out to play pranks on their opponents X)

Falling Moon by GandWatch441 views......That moon was always seriously freaky... Never leave baked goods in the oven! You see what happens?!

Drawing Notes - Bubble Man by GandWatch441 viewsHere we have notes on how to draw Bubble Man! The chibi Heat Man in the corner is a rather cute touch X)

The Cornered Champion441 viewsPoor Cynthia... She can never remember the last time she was cornered. Maybe she's supressing bad memories...

The Bad Tourist441 views"I ate my camera... I am a bad tourist." - Shagg, playing Dungeons of Dredmore as a Communist Tourist Vampire.

Mega Man 9 Wallpaper by GandWatch440 viewsContinuing the nice, stylish wallpapers, here we have one for Mega Man 9. I actually got to help out on this one, thanks to the Gamebridge.
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