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Please Kiss Here428 viewsAzuri loves her hearts, yes she does. But this one makes a nice target for kisses. Azuri (c) C.Hersey

No Objection Allowed by GandWatch428 viewsI quite like the stylish look of this, very cool! The black and white motif used for Shikeiki's appearance in the Bad Apple video was probably one of my favorites for this reason.

Nurse Eirin by GandWatch428 viewsThe amusing thing is I think there is a fanmade Dr. Eirin game...

Rock Cirno by GandWatch428 viewsHere we have an 8-bit spriteset for Cirno! Rather fittingly, it was modified from Ice Man.

Raving Night by GandWatch428 viewsOh gods... Tewi as a Rabbid... now there's a mental image ^_^;

Ghostly Night by GandWatch428 viewsHere we have a rather nice, ethereal pairing. Poor Skull Man though will have to live with the fact that Yuyuko's Reincarnation Ghost pretty easily outclasses his Skull Barrier.

MODERP428 viewsBehold, the Mental Organism Designed for Especially Random Purposes, as designed by Shagg! A MODOK Stunfisk... What has science done?!

Human Form by Beedolphin428 viewsOH GODS, SCARY, MAKE IT GO AWAY o.o; Yep, that's the man behind the dragon.

Something Fishy Here by InvisibleCoinBlock427 views......The pun speaks for itself.

Nightmare Weapons by MegaBetaman427 viewsIt looks like I could get some new weapons from some of the more annoying enemies I have to face off against. It would be nice to have some of them on my side for a change...

Title Card for reals by GandWatch427 viewsHere's the real title card GandWatch made more recently to go with his comics. Quite nice and stylish I think ^_^

Quicksilver by MegaBetaman426 views...Let's just be glad Quick Man can't really do this... I've seen videos of how broken that fight is XD
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