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Chisao Takeover425 viewsBy popular demand, Chisao takes over the world. Probably not that farfetched considering other high positions of power held by little kids in the Battle Network universe...

MMPU Outtakes : Fire Man425 viewsFear the Peng Uprising!

Invincibility by GandWatch424 views......I think we can all feel glad Star Man can't really do this with the Star Crash...

Death of Quick Man by Grye424 views....Sweet Force Beam-y Revenge? I'll take it!

Gojira Sized Quick Man by Bowserslave424 views..............Eep.

Pink Frozen Puffball by GandWatch424 views......Kirby is dangerously close to looking like an Ice Man Yukkuri...

Team Roahm by RaidenNagare424 viewsSo when Raiden started taking requests from viewers of her artists thread over on the forums, I had asked if I might get a drawing of Kadabra. And then this awesomeness happened XD I absolutely love her style, and am honored to have receieved something like this, a team picture of my original team back in the days of Red and Blue ^_^

Sheep by GeorgeTheRaccoon424 viewsYou know, whacked out as Walter is, I could accept this.

Arsenal Favorites - MMV by Jon Causith424 viewsWhen it comes to Stardroid weapons, the Spark Chaser just really stood out to me. I'd love to see how that weapon would be used in 8 Bit Deathmatch. Black Hole was also a fun weapon, pretty stylish. And kitty!

Badger Badger423 viewsIsn't Nicole cute in her pizza delivery outfit? Her boss, Matt, just happens to be a badger. The character, sadly, was created while I had a particular flash movie stuck in my head. Nicole (c) R. Mythril, Matt (c) C. Hersey

A Needed Snug423 viewsManny has had a rather difficult life, full of people who didn't like him, legal problems, and failed marriage. Having a nice rex that really seems to care about him helps a lot. Manny (c) C.Hersey, Spike (c) R.Mythril

Humanoid Toad Man by GandWatch423 viewsWhile evidently not canon to his work, Neo wanted to try drawing a humanoid form of Toad Man. I think it turned out rather cute ^_^
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