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Gravekeeper by ablon08889 viewsSomehow, PharaohMan.EXE seems to fit well in BN6's Graveyard area.

MMPU Ice Man Outtakes885 viewsThe similiarities in appearance between Popo and Ice Man led to this one. Having Ice Man in the wrong game seemed silly enough X)

Vixen882 viewsA wild demon girl and Angel's sister. Vixen loves the night life, and as such often goes clubbing. She plays bass for a local band. Vixen (c) C. Hersey

Kunoichi882 viewsHere's Nicole dressed as Kunoichi from Samurai Warriors. Her playful nature seemed a perfect match for my hyper little corgi puppy. Alas, Kunoichi was cut from Samurai Warriors 2, but I hold out hope she'll return eventually. Nicole (c) R.Mythril, Samurai Warriors (c) Koei

World Three880 viewsThe original World Three from Rockman.EXE. Fyrendyse as Hinoken, Modemeter as Higure, Kendra as Madoi, Abotu as Elec Hakushaku, Roahm as Mahajarama, and Niles as Wily. Modemeter and Abotu (c) C. Hersey, Fyrendyse, Kendra, Roahm, Niles (c) R. Mythril, Rockman.EXE (c) Capcom

The Hardest Nightmare by Ace-heart879 viewsThis... isn't too far from the truth... Bright Man on the GB was a completely randomized cheater, and is one of my biggest deterrants from trying to Perfect Run the rest of the GB games...

SHEEP by Neo879 viewsSee, now THIS is more what I would have expected of a sheep in Silent Hill...

Difference of Opinion by Ace-heart878 viewsWell, one man's trash is another man's treasure... and one man's second chance is one dragon's imminent doom.

Memory of a R.A.W.R. by GandWatch877 viewsThis was quite an unexpected tribute comic, sprite-ifying my old R.A.W.R. comics, also viewable here in the gallery. He didn't have sprites of Kitfox, Stallone, Cale, or Celeste to work with, so he subbed in Ice Man, Toad Man, a Met, and a Telly. Quite nicely done!

MMPU Mega Man Outtakes876 viewsThis seemed the most fitting for Mega Man. Those disappearing block segments just love to cause problems.

Mario and Peach870 viewsTanya and Nicole as Mario and Peach from the Super Mario Bros. series. The two love video games, so it seemed like a good fit, though I don't think Nicole would ever really wear anything that formal ^_^; Tanya (c) C. Hersey, Nicole (c) R. Mythril, Super Mario Bros. (c) Nintendo

Alien Quick Man by Ace-heart863 viewsHmm.... That would explain a good bit... And also gives me a disturbing mental image of a smaller Quick Man head coming out of his mouth.... Yeah....
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