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TV Tropes by GandWatch421 views...So true, so very true, just going there, you start to find yourself using terms from the site without even realizing it. Cloud Cuckoolander, Our Vampires are Different, Crowning Moment of Funny, Improbable Weapon User, Deadpan Snarker, Dark is Not Evil... I find myself using them frequently.

Victorious Number by GandWatch421 viewsRecently, Neo's art thread on Pink's forums hit 100 pages. Quite a feat, that! Congratulations to you ^_^

Meteos Trio421 viewsSo recently, I had some extra XBLA points. I then found a Meteos game on there. I love that game. And then I managed to get Kit and Shagg interested enough to get it too.

Just Beat It by YankeeKirby420 viewsWell, Michael certainly won't have to worry about MM5's Wily Capsule, anyway.

Mega Man 10 Wallpaper by GandWatch420 viewsAnd here we have what might be the last of the Mega Man wallpapers for now. I've quite enjoyed seeing this series, I think it turned out quite stylish indeed ^_^

Eat Me Now by TPPR10420 viewsWhatever that topping is, Lickitung doesn't seem pleased...

Lucky Cat by Neo420 viewsAh, the Maneki Neko. Clearly the best boss ever! As Shagg said, "I'm happy to lose to this boss!" How can you not love a giant good luck kitty?

Draw the World 4 by GandWatch419 viewsHere we have two new worlds for the collection! This rendition of Hyrule seems mainly to stay toward Toon Link's version, the Great Sea. We also get Eagleland, home of Ness and I would assume Lucas. Quite nicely detailed!

CrystalMan EXE by RuinedTemples22419 viewsA stylish Navi version of CrystalMan, the crystal balls on his back are said to represent the past, present, and future.

Oil Man PU Spritesheet by mariofan96419 viewsA sprite sheet for the Powered Up incarnation of Oil Man! This is for mariofan96's fan game concept starring Flame Man. Just saying, Flame Man riding Oil Slider seems like it can only end in disaster...

The Test of Golbez418 viewsWhen Disidia came out on the PSP, Kit started playing it, and was amused by a certain line from Golbez. Thus, this particular piece was spawned. I'LL ERASE YOU!!!

RMN006 - Bow Man418 viewsNext amongst my Robot Masters is Bow Man. Designed as an archery instructor, Bow Man has a very skillful aim.
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