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Quick Man's a Jerk by Bowserslave415 viewsThe amusing thing though... If you're willing to use Robot Master weapons like this, and keep repeatedly pausing to switch weapons, you can pretty effectively shut Quick Man down this way, as whenever he's hit with a weapon he reflects, he comes to a dead stop for a moment.

Devil Man by Neo415 viewsNeo's rendition of Devil Man gives him quite a nice, fiery look. The addition of the gem on his helmet is quite nice.

Ancient Pokemon - Xel'lotath by Neo415 viewsAnd here we have the star of the show, Xel'lotath! She makes a rather interesting Pokemon, I'd certainly train one.

Danger Hat415 viewsSo watching the recent escapades of Shagg playing Omega Ruby resulted in me feeling like drawing something silly.

DynamoMan EXE In Battle by Tom0027414 viewsWhile just using normal Dynamo Man sprites, this is to give an idea of what Tom0027's concept of DynamoMan EXE could do in battle. It looks like this would be one tricky fight!

Proto Eye by EvilMariobot414 viewsPoor Proto Eye... You'll get no respect from your peers with how you fight.

SHOOT SHOOT by Bowserslave414 viewsBuried in the data of Mega Man 8, it seems there was another sign for the jetboard segments, seemingly a signal to shoot. My guess is it would have appeared before those multiple walls you had to shoot down.

Old Skool by GandWatch414 viewsSometimes, old school is best. We can't be the only ones who smiled at the retro level in Kirby's Adventure.

Chu Chu Cirno by GandWatch414 viewsHow will Cirno decide where to go with so many Ice Men around?! Regardless, the results are adorable.

Classic and X by GandWatch414 viewsThis seems about right.... ^_^; Never was a big fan of the darker, edgier X. Keep your drama to yourself!

The Midnight Waterer What Waters at Midnight414 viewsSo Kit was playing on the Dream World. There are still issues with the dream pals thing, but he did start just randomly visiting people that showed up on his dream map. And then he realized you got extra points for watering other people's berries. And so he became the MIDNIGHT WATERER WHAT WATERS AT MIDNIGHT! Gardens everywhere live in fear!

Ninja Santa414 viewsSo my friend Zac has bouts of sudden spontaneous generosity that strike when no one expects it. Recently Shagg was on the receiving end of this, suddenly finding himself in posession of a lot of Steam games he didn't have before.
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