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Fame Doesn't Matter by GandWatch413 viewsGandWatch has pretty solidly summed up my feelings here. Evidently, there has been some jealousy expressed here and there among fan artists on Pink's forums. I also had quite an explosive situation with somone who shall remain nameless who took it to an extreme degree. However, what GandWatch says here is the same as my feelings on my videos. I'm not out to compete with anyone, I'm out to have fun, and that's the important thing. Don't think of things as a competition, just have fun with what you do.

Lolsonic by GandWatch413 viewsFor some reason, that face on Tails really makes me laugh X)

Quick Man At Large by InvisibleCoinBlock413 viewsOh dear... Quick Man just shouldn't be that huge...

Crawmie413 viewsSo Shagg, Kit, Pink, and Cutmanmike have been playing Borderlands... Then they found Crawmerax the Invincible. Shagg found out his character is broken and can beat Crawmerax without TOO much trouble... and then he gave it a pet name.... and then Crawmie started trolling him with bad drops. This might not be the best representation of Crawmerax, as I couldn't find a really good visual reference for it.

Fear the Rappy413 viewsWhile listening in on my friends playing PSO, one of Kit's characters had an incident with Rappies. Sure, they look adorable, but their critical rates are to be feared!

Quick Man's a Jerk by Bowserslave412 viewsThe amusing thing though... If you're willing to use Robot Master weapons like this, and keep repeatedly pausing to switch weapons, you can pretty effectively shut Quick Man down this way, as whenever he's hit with a weapon he reflects, he comes to a dead stop for a moment.

The Quick and the Dragon by Neo412 views...Yeah, that embodies the fear pretty well. Doc Quick is easily one of the most terrifying bosses for Perfect Run purposes. Thankfully I got through this one o.o;;

Lacking Servbots by GandWatch411 viewsAh, the Servbot Mask... I'm fairly sure I've seen screenshots of Dead Rising 2 including them, so hang in there, Neo!

Raiden Portraits by GandWatch411 viewsMeet Raiden! An awesome artist and the second playable character of the Pink Rose Garden Touhou game!

Dem Bunnehs411 viewsSo Kit is a fan of Reisen. And Shagg is a fan of Tewi... DOUBLE FRIEND REQUEST GO!

Background by Drew410 viewsDrew made this for me as a possible wallpaper for my system. A bit scary though considering my experiences with this group...

Awesome in a Can by GandWatch410 viewsAh, Crow T. Robot, always fun to have around. Since I've started making videos, I think I've introduced several people at this point to the joys of MST3K XD
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