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Shiny Man by Dralek409 viewsI seem to make quite a stylish Robot Master. I get a nice stunningly shiny beam attack, and look good in blue Met helmets.

Shiny Style by Flubbsz409 viewsA style change powered by shinies? I'd get that, no problem.

Quick Man's a Jerk by Bowserslave409 viewsThe amusing thing though... If you're willing to use Robot Master weapons like this, and keep repeatedly pausing to switch weapons, you can pretty effectively shut Quick Man down this way, as whenever he's hit with a weapon he reflects, he comes to a dead stop for a moment.

Silent Hill Battle Network by MegaBetaman408 viewsCan Megaman hope to defeat Incubator.EXE? Let's hope so!

Toppy Top Hat by GandWatch408 viewsThis stemmed from comments left on my channel about Top Man in formal wear... Somehow this look seems to suit him o.o;

Hanging Out by GandWatch408 viewsEveryone loves hanging out with Hourai! Haha, poor Hourai, can you really call being shown usually in a noose taking on a "life" of her own? ^_^;

Color Bars by GandWatch408 viewsThe old test pattern is just so dull. Now THIS one is quite stylish! I like how Eirin is split on the red and blue bars.

Neverending Twilight by GandWatch408 viewsI must agree with Neo... This place did seem to go for quite a long while o.o;

Question of Life by GandWatch408 viewsThe thing is, you have to consider the 1up... What it is... A 1up is an empty vessel... a promise of life... a promise that can only be fulfilled if you die... The 1up wants to live... and there's only one way it can accomplish that...

Roahm Style by 1993blackout408 viewsSo here we have a new style based on me evidently, including an ice elemental shot and a couple of helpers in battle! Also, I may be wrong, but that possibly looks like a GeminiMan.EXE there. I find it odd we never actually had one...

Viva La Revolution407 viewsI am very much a fan of Dance Dance Revolution. I did this pic for a review of the game I had done for a friend's site. Roahm (c) R. Mythril, DDR (c) Konami

Need for Music by GandWatch407 viewsThese two do indeed have highly catchy themes ^_^ I wonder how a combination of the two would sound, parts of Ice Man's theme, if they could somehow blend into Cirno's theme...
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