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Fire Man Evolution by 11Natrium406 viewsIt seems to make sense, in a Pokemon sort of way.

Happy Song, Happy Goron by GandWatch405 views...Methinks you'd better play your song. Now. Darunia doesn't look happy.

Drawing Notes - Rockman by GandWatch405 viewsHere we have something rather interesting, Neo's notes on how to draw Rockman! It's interesting to see an artist's methods this way.

A Little Tied Up404 viewsKrissie is very much a kitty at heart. She loves to play with yarn, for her own amusement as much as anyone else's. Krissie (c) R. Mythril

Kunoichi and Zhuge Liang in SCIV by seb2net404 viewsOn seb2net's YouTube channel, a main feature is the creation of various characters in Soul Calibur IV. Having asked for my favorite Warriors Orochi characters, he thus created Kunoichi and Zhuge Liang for me. Quite a nice job on them!

Plug Man by brawlkid6404 viewsIt seems Plug Man has a simple threat for me... except he's wrong... unless someone figures out a definitive pattern for him, in which case there may be REVENGE!!!

The Secret Revealed by GeorgeTheRaccoon404 viewsThus, the secret is revealed! There's a string attached to everyone in Silent Hill! Alice Margatroid has been behind everything!

Bell Man Boss Room by Hfbn2404 viewsHere we have a screenshot from a game being worked on by Hfbn2. I'll be quite interested in seeing where this goes. This is the lair of Bell Man.

Firing teh Laz0rs by GandWatch404 viewsWell, I know who I'm rooting for....

Staring is Good by GandWatch404 views.........staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare....

DJ Dragon by Neo404 viewsWhen we were talking about Meteos, the subject of favorite songs came up. I was always partial to The Scratch Show, the original theme of LUNA=LUNA back on the DS game. And so I am a DJ. Let the music play!

Homestar's Time to Shine by Neo404 viewsSo one of the Pokemon on my No Evolutions run is Homestar, my Wynaut. He... kind of demolished the Slaking that usually gives me trouble in Norman's gym. It was amazing.
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