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Wait by Ace-heart862 viewsHmm... I guess combining too many good things is bound to reach a point of catastrophic failure... or too many bad things in this case...

Rook Mann by Ace-heart858 views..........whaaaaaaaaat o.o; I..... really don't know what to say about this ^_^:;

Ten is for Tengu, Pt 1 by GandWatch857 viewsThis comic was a bit on the large side, so I needed to split it into two parts. It looks like Tengu Man and Aya are having a nice date... until Magic Man just had to show up and ruin the fun.

Angel856 viewsThe powerful and majestic leader of the ancients. Angel is a kind person, though she is known to be rather frisky with her mate, Kitfox. She is generally nice, but does like to tease people sometimes. Angel (c) C. Hersey

Virtuosa855 viewsA light-hearted navi embodying the soul of music. Virtuosa prefers to stay away from battle, much preferring peaceful life on her home system. She is often defended by her love, Pascal. Virtuosa (c) R. Mythril

Nightmare Team Part 1 by CrazyKoopa1855 viewsIt seems my old friends have teamed up against me. The Nightmare Team is ready for revenge! First up, Elec Man, Slash Man, Burner Man, and Aqua Man... though Elec and Aqua should have positioned themselves a little better...

Diao Chan852 viewsNaoki as Diao Chan from Dynasty Warriors. Cute, pretty, and graceful, Naoki seemed a good choice for this one. Though she isn't as manipulative as Diao Chan can be. Naoki (c) R. Mythril, Dynasty Warriors (c) Koei

Homestar Runner849 viewsQuite a group, cosplaying as the major characters from Homestar Runner! Kitfox as Homestar Runner, Angel as Marzipan, Mike as Strong Sad, Molio as Strong Bad, Stallone as Strong Mad, Celeste as the Cheat, Tom as Bubs, Roahm as Coach Z, Nathan as PomPom, Gema as the King of Town, Jacob as the Poopsmith, and Abotu as Homsar. Everybody, everybody! Kitfox, Angel, Mike, Molio, Celeste, Tom, Nathan, Jacob, Abotu (c) C. Hersey, Roahm, Stallone, Gema (c) R. Mythril, Homestar Runner (c) The Brothers Chaps

Rain Toad by Ace-heart847 viewsAfter seeing the trouble Shagg had with this move in his SotN LP, I think this could indeed make Toad Man rather dangerous.

Metool Meeting by Ace-heart846 viewsQuite an impressive grouping of Mets here, including those that make up the one thing about the X series I could conceivably like!

Giygas Quick Man by Ace-heart846 viewsConsidering I still haven't found a revenge strategy, I guess I can't comprehend the nature of Quick Man's attack.

From Your Best Friends by Blisseychan844 viewsThis was sent in by Blisseychan, an arrangements of some of the most problematic Robot Masters I've dealt with thus far... and they want rematches........ I'm worried.
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